MathBait™ Multiplication
A Riddle
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This warm up is ideal for students who are comfortable with skip counting and ready to begin transitioning to multiplication. In this riddle, students determine a hidden code to identify how their skip counting skills can be used to find a total. We recommend this activity is used as an introduction to dual processing.
Resource Type
Warm Up
Primary Topic
Dual Processing
Announce to students you have a riddle for them to solve. You created a new PIN code but forgot to write it down. Being so excited about all the skip counting you've been doing, you developed the PIN code in the following way:
The first digit was the 4th number you said when counting by 2's
It was followed by the 5th number you said when counting by 3's
The final digits came from the 6th number you said when counting by 5's
Allow students time to try to decode the riddle. Encourage them to skip count and track the numbers on their fingers. They should arrive at the code 81530.
If time permits, provide additional riddles for students to practice. Students can also make their own riddles and trade them with a partner to solve.
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