MathBait™ Mastering Multiplication Part 7: Primes and Factoring
Play your way to understanding primes and factoring with MathBait™ Multiplication Unit 7.
MathBait™ Mastering Multiplication Part 7: Primes and Factoring
MathBait™ Multiplication Part 6: Playing with Napier's Bones
MathBait™ Multiplication Part 5: Multiplication with Napier's Bones
MathBait™ Big Book of Multi-Digit Multiplication
MathBait™ Mastering Multiplication Part 3
MathBait™ Mastering Multiplication Part 2
MathBait™ Mastering Multiplication Part 1
MathBait™ Multiplication: An Outstanding Approach to Master Fact Fluency
Unleashing The Devil's Plan: How Mathematical Thinking Steals the Show and How You Can Play Along
Play Mental Maestro to Win at Multiplication
Episode 4: Counting
Episode 3: In the Beginning
Episode 2: The Tutor