MathBait™ Multiplication
Bid A Win
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Let's get moving! In this activity, students explore multiples and skip counting in an engaging game of steps. Players bid on the fewest equally-sized steps they can take to hit the target distance. Students will be having so much fun, they might just forget they are learning to multiply!
Resource Type
Primary Topic
Dual Processing
Let's build some muscle memory! This game is a pain to set up, but so much fun to play.
Using chalk or tape, mark equally spaced lines on the sidewalk. Ideally we want to have at least 40 lines. Alternatively, if you have access to a football field the yard markings can also work although some modification to the game will be necessary.
Two students play at a time. Provide a target number (16 for example). The first player will make a "bid" on the fewest steps they can take to reach the given number. Their steps must all be the same size.
For example, Player 1 might begin with "I can reach the goal in 16 steps". For each bid, have students explain their reasoning. In this case, steps of 1 will reach the goal. Player 2 might respond with, "I can reach the goal in 8 steps" explaining that if they count by 2's eight times they can make it to 16. Clearly we can get up to, "I can reach the goal in 1 step!". However, it is unlikely a student can stretch over 16 marks in one hop (but if they can - go for it!).
When a player doesn't believe they can outmatch the last bid they announce,"Okay [player], reach the goal!". If the player can reach the goal in the steps bid, they earn a point. If they cannot make the leaps of the size they indicated or if they stumble, the second player earns the point.
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