MathBait™ Multiplication
The Bone Collector
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In this Go Fish style game, students use Napier's Bones as cards and attempt to gain a full set through questioning. Students cannot simply ask for a "3" and instead must question other players using multiples. But be careful! Asking for a bone with "12" might get you a 3-bone, or you could end up with a card you weren't looking for!
Resource Type
Primary Topic
Playing with Napier's Bones
This activity is great for students new to multiplication or students practicing fluency.
Similar to Go Fish, place students in small groups and combine a half-set of bones (one for each digit) for each student. Place the bones upside down in the middle of the table and allow each student to grab 9 (or 10 if using the 0 bone).
The goal of the game is to gather a full set of bones (1-9 or 0-9). Players take turns selecting another player and asking about their hand. They cannot ask about the digit on the top of the bone (this also eliminates the first row).
On a player's turn, they first select a discard rod from their hand and lay it face down on the table. Next, they pick a player to converse with and ask the player a single yes/no question about their hand. The player must answer truthfully.
Suppose the game is played with four players, A, B, C, and D. Player A is in need of an 8-rod to complete their hand. On their turn, Player A lays out their discard rod and selects a player to converse with. They may select any player (B, C, or D). Player A asks Player C, "do you have any 16's?". If Player C has any bone with a 16, they must answer yes and give Player A their bone and pick up Player A's discard bone. If Player C doesn't possess any rod containing a 16, they answer no. Player A returns their discard bone to their hand and play passes to the next player.
Note that if Player C has more than one bone containing a 16, they may choose which bone to provide to Player A. This means, although Player A was in search of an 8-rod, by asking for a 16, they could receive a 4-rod instead.
The first player to have a full hand wins.
The Bone Collector requires students to look for and be familiar with multiples. If asking for a 16, students must either know, or find, that 16 is a multiple of 2, 4, and 8. The more students play, the more strategies they will develop. For instance, selecting a larger multiple can often narrow things down. In addition, students must work to become fluent as they do not have the bone they are looking for. If a player is in search of a 7-rod, they must recall the multiples of 7 to know what to ask for.
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